Prezentace knihy "Život dona Giussaniho" (Vita di don Giussani)
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentation of the book "The Life of Luigi Giussani" by Alberto Savorana
Presentazione del libro «Vita di don Giussani», di Alberto Savorana